The Incredible Power of Music

Andy Rooney is one of my heroes.  He used to close the show “60 minutes” with a story that I always learned from.  He was a correspondent during WWII… In short, he lived a full life, and gained a lot of wisdom in the process.  He almost always started his “60 Minutes” segment with the question, “Do you ever wonder why”?  So, in homage to him, I will ask you, “You ever wonder why you hear a song and it has a totally different meaning to you later in life?”  The same goes for Bible verses.  “You ever wonder why you learn something new from a Bible verse you have read hundreds of times?” The reason?  Songs, especially those tied to poetry, and the Bible, are living entities.  As our knowledge increases – and turns into wisdom – they literally change with us.   John Moreland has a song “Blacklist” with a line, “We read all the right books.  We sang songs we misunderstood.” and, “You know the older I get, you know truth it gets harder to find.”  That is powerful.

A tweet of mine from 2016 reads, “My life is full of magic when great music plays.”

Consider the magic and power of music in the following examples…


I know that is a lot to work through, read, ponder, and somehow try to fully grasp.  There are many, many more examples I could have posted.  But, what I hope you will do is stop, thank God for the gift of music, and never quit learning from it.  Right now, in a country so fractured, broken, and lost, we could really use music to help heal, create unity, and help put us back on the right road…  I am gonna end with a Rascal Flatts song that means a lot to me.  They didn’t write it; Marcus Hummon, Jeff Hannah, and Bobby Boyd did.  When I ponder on great songwriting, I can’t help but think of King David in the Bible.  I also ponder on what God thinks of what we have done with the gift of music he gave us.  I think this song ties it all together beautifully.