A YouTube vlogger I follow posted this video a few hours ago. I found it thought provoking enough to post here 👇
Perhaps Joe has grasped what I was so frustrated about in my last post? If “essential employees” are SOOO critical and important, why are they not compensated accordingly? This thought made me do a little research on the history of pandemics on economy. I found an article that described how the Black Death created what we call the middle class as we know it today. I am gonna copy my “comment” on his YouTube video and the article here. 👇
Hey any 1%ers out there? Ever heard the phrase “Sometimes a battle won is a battle lost”? If not, ya best listen to this Hero named Wade Bowen. Riiiight here. 👇
I used the phrase “Katy bar the door” in my comment on Joe’s video for a very specific reason… You will find that reason here. 👇