Flags are powerful symbols – Sgt. Carney realized that: he took the (American) flag from the original bearer after the bearer was wounded and falling on the battlefield. {[< he made sure the flag did not touch the ground>]}. “Yellow Led-better”
Is there an ornithologist that can see if the feather I found is really from a ‘woodpecker’?
The Gadsden Flag” makes a cameo appearance in the “official video”
This is a Travis Meadows song. I forwarded mama’s last Christmas {present from me} to him. I pray it gives him assistance in his songwriting – gave it to him at the “Crimson Moon” in Dahlonega – after the show.
The charity Taya founded in Chris’ honor
The flag hat *WAS* co-opted by a famous lobby group – I removed all traces except the year and repurposed it back to the original usage. Abraham Lincoln took back the song “Dixie” after the war was over, no reason “we” can’t take the flags back to their original intention…
Educate, don’t hate. Love, don’t fear. Teach history to the next generation.
“Pledge allegiance to the flag, whatever flag they offer.”
“Hope for the future”.