Astronauts, Corvettes, and Music.

I am a couple of days late posting about this, but as the whole planet knows, the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon happened on July 20, 2019. I don’t know if it is a good thing or not, but I was alive when it happened. I don’t remember it, mind you,

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Climate Compromise

Full disclosure before I begin: I am not a scientist/meteorologist/politician – just a common man who was blessed to grow up around people who had a lot of common sense – I suppose part of it must have rubbed off or stuck with me, at least I’d like to think so. This post will be

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It has been a while folks. I could tell ya the reasons, but they dont matter really. Being a short, fat, unathletic feller, I have always despised running. I know it is good for your health and all, but for some reason I cant seem to pull it off. Hundred yard dashes, laps for football,

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Purple Courage

I wanted to use a quote from Stephen Crane’s novel “The Red Badge of Courage” to begin this post, but given the current political atmosphere, I decided to stay away from color – unless you like purple. I find it ironic that “enlightened, educated” people shake their heads over the gang wars, and wonder how

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Black Holes and Dark Matter

I was very fortunate to be exposed to Astronomy as a teenager. Our high school (Jefferson High School, Jefferson, Ga.) had a brilliant science teacher named John Bell. I studied both Physics and Astronomy under him. We had a very expensive 12 inch Newtonian telescope for our Astronomy class. The very first night we gathered

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Gravity may well be the most misunderstood part of the Kosmos/universe(s). There have been many songs written about gravity… Keith Urban even has an album named “Defying Gravity”. Here are a few of my favorites… Anyone who has been in a G-force machine, or flown with the Blue Angels (see Bill

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Ethical Political Incorrectness

I recently discovered the perfect solution for identity theft…  It is quite simple really:  have the type identity that no one else would want…  As I have watched the furor erupt over the upcoming election, I have also noticed that the division in our country has reached an unprecedented level – except perhaps during the

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Twitter Rant

Some of you may have noticed that I have been on a Twitter rant lately.  I have been on the social media platform for quite a while, but used it to gather information instead of interacting.  In this blog post, I am going to gather today’s tweets under 1 roof.  Again, for the most part,

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