
Gravity may well be the most misunderstood part of the Kosmos/universe(s). There have been many songs written about gravity… Keith Urban even has an album named “Defying Gravity”. Here are a few of my favorites…

Anyone who has been in a G-force machine, or flown with the Blue Angels (see Bill Engvall’s Thunderbird story below – it is sure to make you laugh), knows the pull of G forces. Even riding the Graviton ride at a county fair shows what it feels like to not be able to move due to G force. Fast cars offer that same effect through rapid acceleration. Tis why gearheads like me obsess over 0-60 times on our favorite cars. 😜 Andy Griggs is trying to create that same feeling through love in this song. God taught me how to “be still and know He is God”. I can assure you of that.

I hope you laugh here.

I must admit – I struggle terribly when people are so negative about music. It hurts me to see good songwriting and songs get dragged through the mud. I apologize if I have upset anyone or hurt their feelings by trying to show them another perspective on an issue. I promise it comes from a desire to educate, not embarrass. Do I know everything? Hell no. I have not scratched the surface. I have no idea why God has me in this position, but I try to help others, not tear them down. This post started from twitter comments I saw earlier about Tim McGraw’s new song “Gravity”. The song was actually written by Tim and Lori McKenna. Needless to say, given my love for Lori’s songwriting, I had to figure out a way to educate, not humiliate.

I will simply post the twitter comments, my thoughts, and the links to information by using my twitter feed. Scroll to the top to see the original comments that were the impetus for this blog post. I hope it is easy to follow – and will add that “if it is good enough for Albert Einstein, it is good enough for me.”

Heart, love, spirit and soul are all able to defy gravity…

And, for the record, spirit and soul are two different things. If you are interested, this website has a good grasp and a simple answer to distinguish and/or show them and their differences.

Finally, with the understanding that heart, love, spirit and soul can truly defy gravity, that means they are not bound by the conundrum that is space time… They can be everywhere (called omnipresent in theology) and they have no concept of time. These last two songs tell a story. I don’t believe in time either Hootie aka Darius Rucker…

And, for my own sanity, I will leave the alternate meanings for “gravity” to the brilliant people who write songs. They know how to use words much better than I do… Big and Rich have a song titled “Gravity” as well, but I choose to use Big Kenny’s guitar message: “Love Everybody”.